Page Eight – Poll: Colored Map is Preferable

10 thoughts on “Page Eight – Poll: Colored Map is Preferable

  1. I think the colored map doesn’t go far enough. Zuniga, Old Meadow and Steep Hill Rd should all be the same name. There are far too many roads on the current POA map.

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    1. Clint, I think you’re right. Old Meadow has been there quite a while. Zuniga & Steep Hill Drive are newly proposed road names. I spoke to the owner about 2 years ago & he was adamantly against naming the entire stretch Old Meadow Lane. It’s a good idea, though. Let’s see how much support we get from the owners to persuade the board


  2. I’d love a “through road”, but how would it go “through”? There’s not another highway to the east?
    Should call the “through road” Woodland Valley Ranch Rd. Make it simple. Something no one can argue.


    1. Good comment, Rita. I defined a through road as having a beginning and an end. Look at Deer Valley Road. The west end is Holley Lane and the east end is what I labelled as Pres. FDR & the POA map labelled as New Mexico View Drive. It’s interesting to note that Deer Valley’s east end was at the beginning of that “stair case” zig zagging road section. I thought it best to extend it to the present end. I recall at least 2 owners wanting to name their individual road sections but I explained my reasoning and they accepted it. Think of what it would look like trying to squeeze all those names on an 8.5″ x 11″ map or trying to give directions.


  3. Overall, it is a good idea to simplify the names. The owner of choice, who named his road first, should, however have a larger vote on his ????


    1. I started the road naming process by labelling unnamed roads on the colored map with a U.S.president’s name in parenthesis. A list of costs: (post(s), sign(s) and installation would be advised to any interested owner. The first one to commit to the expenses would have his road name listed between question marks which would be removed after payment of costs. Until then, it might have been possible for a second owner to take over if the first broke his commitment. Any name would acceptable as long it was not in bad taste or insulting, etc.


  4. I feel that each N number road should have it own name. Would make it easier to blend in to the County and postal systems in the future.


    1. Bruce, Take a look at my blogs’ page seven: “N roads by Township/Ranges”. Your lot is in box 14 – 0 on N6681 which is Steep Hill Drive per the colored map. Imagine you’re on Old Meadow Lane where it turns into Steep Hill Drive (box 13 – N) heading to your lot. That’s N6685 which turns into N6684 which turns into N6681. That’s 3 separate names in less than a mile. Continuing east on Steel Hill Drive, you hit N6667, then 6676, 6675, 6674 and finally 6673 the end of Steel Hill Drive which is a little more than 2 miles for 5 separate road names. This is highly inefficient.

      We’ve been told the Sheriff’s Department uses the “N’ system to get to their destinations. Imagine a new deputy being given the “N” road map with every road named & being told from one road to another. That’s a difficult task. The “longest road” map would be a similar benefit to owners, visitors, deliveries, emergencies, prospective buyers, etc.

      Old Meadow Lane from its’ start at Anazasi has 3 changes before it hits Steep Hill Drive.

      It’s been suggested that our road signs include the “N’ number but clearly we won’t have that many different road signs.

      As far as fitting into the county & postal systems in the future, we’ll have a road network equal to that of any town. Take St. johns, it has Cleveland Street, Rte. 191 and other though roads and deadends. We’ll have the same. No need for all the “N” roads to have names, they’re the past. We need the longest road possible premise. We’re working on WVRs’ future.

      I hope you agree after reading the above. Again, I appreciate your initial comment. I’m sure others would agree with you but perhaps I can change their minds and yours. This response will be placed on the blog as an answer to your comment.

      I welcome any comments from any reader
